Gem Potential

Potential Discovered

Preliminary mineral prospecting and geological survey carried out in the area has strongly indicated that there are immense potential reserves of precious metals. Prospecting has revealed presence of corundum rubies, splendid blue sapphires, paparacha sapphire, rhodolite garnets, green garnets, gold, copper, graphite and other precious stones.

Interest shown

In consideration of the abundance of minerals as indicated in the geological reports our partners, along with SIMBA Group Board of Directors, were attracted to investigate in detail and develop prospecting and mining activities in the region.

Millions in Potential Profit

From a statistical the area for which our company will be permitted to mine totals over 633km2, with a strong potential for economically viable gemstones, precious and base metals. We estimates the current gemstone value in their bonafide concession to exceed US$100 million.

Outlook to a Bright Future

SIMBA group Kenya, along with its partners, plans to increase its activities by improving and intensifying field research and upgrading the mining system. The license issued still includes a large-unexploited area to be develop. The potential reserveoutput has shown to support mining sustainability and, in turn, marketability of the finished goods.

With an increase of production and expansion of market, the partnership has a bright future in gemstone mining, both locally and internationally.